Monday, July 13, 2015

Cize - The End of Exercize is Coming

The time has come for ... drum roll please .... THE END OF EXERCIZE!! 

I'm sure you just got really excited thinking, yes! I'm finally free of working out! 

Well, not exactly. But Shaun T (known for Insanity, T25, Insanity Max 30, Hip Hop Abs) has definitely found a new way for us to get an amazing workout in, while having fun, YUP, fun WHILE working out! He's even going to teach us some new dance moves, if you can believe that. Don't get me wrong, I am not a dancer by any means. I was definitely hesitant to see how I'd do with the trial run of Cize that is On Demand, but I ended up loving it! I was just following the steps, having fun with the beat, and working up a sweat at the same time. Can't really beat that!

For those of you that are natural dancers (super jealous by the way), you'll love this program even more. Not only will you have fun, you'll still be working your body, improving it, and changing it, all while doing something you already love, DANCE! 

What is CIZE? 

CIZE is Shaun T's latest dance fitness program, which will get you into great shape at home. Learning to dance with this 4 week program is so much fun, this amazing cardio workout won't even seem like work! CIZE truly is "the end of exercize". In each routine, Shaun T breaks down the moves step-by-step, and builds them into a full dance sequence in just 35-40 minutes. Cize will have participants burning fat and calories while mastering dance moves. Plus, it's all choreographed to the latest pop music to keep everyone energized and moving. Get a great workout while learning all the kinds of dance moves seen in music videos and dance shows. Stick with Shaun T and start dancing from day one! 

When and how can you get it??

Cize is planned to release on July 20th, 2015, for coaches and customers alike. Right now there are THOUSANDS of coaches attending a "little" conference going on in Nashville, TN called Summit. New programs are released, announcements are made, and as coaches we get a first look at all of that. Next year I plan on being there! Especially with all the fun perks you get for attending. There's a new Beachbody Performance Line being released as well, I'll post on that soon! 

You will be able to purchase it through your coach's website, and shortly after that it will be available for purchase on There will be challenge packs available, which will give you a one month supply of the healthiest meal, Shakeology, as well as the entire program, and 30 day access to Beachbody On Demand, along with being part of the exclusive Cize Test Group that will be starting July 27th. Challenge packs are always on sale and the best value for what you're getting, of course I'll release details for the challenge pack as it becomes live. 

If you prefer to get the program by itself, there will be that option as well and there will be some deluxe kits too. 

Want to find out ASAP about when this program is launched? Enter your information HERE and you will be one of the first to be in the loop on how you can get Cize! 

Upcoming Test Group for Cize

Want to join me in our EXCLUSIVE test group? Fill out the form below to sign up for the Cize test group, or you can also join the next Fix group, both starting on July 27th. Both groups will be run by multiple coaches from the Dream Team, but we will all be active in each group. We are here to motivate each other to stay on track! I can't wait for this program to come out. I'm sure you are just as excited! Check back in the following week for updates on the program, or be sure to sign up for the info so you're the first to find out! 

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