Thursday, November 6, 2014

Welcome to my first blog!

    Hello everyone and welcome! I am new to this whole blogging world, so bear with me while I start learning more about it. :) I recently became a Beachbody Coach to try and improve on my own personal fitness. I decided it might be a good idea to write down my journey in the hopes that it may encourage other people to help themselves, or even to help myself by connecting with other people who need that extra push, which a lot of us usually need. Even if it's to lose those extra 5 pounds you've been fighting with for years or a completely new mindset to begin your weight loss journey, I'll be right there with you the whole time. I've been on the "yo-yo of weight loss" for many years. Not a ton of weight, but after having 2 babies, LOTS of moves and traveling, the weight comes and goes.

     There are a lot of challenges that come with being a military spouse. If you currently are a military spouse, part of a military family, or just coming into the crazy world of military...welcome! It's a wild ride with lots of ups and downs, also some random loops that make your stomach flip, but part of it is surviving through it all. It's okay to have moments that you feel like yelling from the rooftops, but know that your soldier probably wants to do the same at times and just can't. :) In between trying to keep up with the curve balls military throws at us, we also have to keep up with taking care of our families, on top of keeping up with the house and all the other fun stuff that comes with being a grown up! Remember back when we were young and we would say, "I can't wait to be a grown up!" Yeah...that comes all too quickly. :) So now we're here! Real life! Daily struggles, stresses, craziness...but then there's the joys in life. Those "up" moments make up for the "down" moments. Children have a way of making you want to pull your hair out, and then 5 minutes later make you smile and give you cuddles! Everyone takes the good with the bad, but every now and then we focus more on the bad than the good. I'm guilty of it, who isn't?

    It's time to change that mind set! Look forward to the day, embrace the challenges that come our way, and don't beat ourselves up so much if everything doesn't go to plan. None of us are perfect. We all have different goals in mind, we all live different lifestyles, but we can all help each other. Whether it's helping by sharing a recipe on here (to make our day go a little easier), or if it's posting about what a CRAZY day you've had (to make us all laugh and feel normal that we had something similar happen), even sharing a healthy tip you found out to encourage us all to keep trying to improve inside and outside. My goal is to make this a place where people can come, feel motivated, comfortable and maybe get advice from other families, but above all help each other in succeeding with their goals.

    I am just beginning on my journey to eating healthy, working out regularly, and improving my overall fitness. I'm not looking to become a body builder. I don't expect to be at the weight that I was in high school. It's about eating better, feeling healthy, and not being so hard on ourselves that we put ourselves down when we have a bad day. It happens, so we pick it back up the next day and do better. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you that passes by this page and I truly hope that you'll join me on this fitness journey. Let the next ride of your life begin!!!

Marissa Reynolds

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