Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!! 

I hope you all have had a wonderful winter break. 
I feel like Christmas came so quickly and then just as fast, it was over and done with! That's how life is though. We are always trying to hurry up, get things ready, get things done....and then what? Relax? Not always the case. Especially not with kids. I was SO excited for Christmas, just like the kids were. I got all the presents looking pretty, everything just right for Santa's big visit, and the joy that the kids showed was TOTALLY worth every penny and time spent for it. After about 2 hours, the presents had all been opened and then everyone went their separate ways to play with new toys, or read new books.
 Just like that, Christmas was over! It was back to cleaning up everything, making food, doing dishes, and planning for the next event. :) 

Our New Year's eve was very simple. It was supposed to be a big party, but that fell apart due to unforeseen circumstances. Turned out being 2 other couples and their kids, but honestly, it turned out great! All the kids got to play, no extra stress with trying to have everything "perfect" for so many people. No running around. Just played games, had some drinks, and rang in the New Year with poppers and horns!  

I'm not a big one when it comes to resolutions. I like to make goals. Who wants to beat themselves up for not keeping the resolution that they made? So some of my goals that I've decided to put out there for myself for this coming year are:

1) Take more PICTURES! I got a new camera for Christmas, and I still need to learn how to work all the functions on it, but I want to figure it out. I want to enjoy all the little things! Better yet, I want to take pictures of those little things so that I can remember them forever. So if any of you out there have some tips for a newbie DSLR owner, by all means, share away!! :) 

2) Get ORGANIZED! I've started by getting a new planner and some highlighters. I always have a planner for bills each month, but this time I got a weekly/daily planner as well. My goal is to track my food, water, and exercise, along with day to day reminders. Something else I plan to do is get a binder to put all of my coaching goals and plans together. Along with organizing my healthy recipes for Shakeology and other family meals. Eventually I plan to get this blog turned into a more professional and helpful website so we can all see and share recipes, tips, goals, and future programs to try out. 

3) Be INVOLVED! I'm already involved with my kids of course. I'm a stay at home mom! But I want to be more involved with my customers (which are also my friends!) and I want to get more involved in the community. Take classes that I've never taken. Meet new people in the area. Volunteer for something new. Part of being involved goes for my coaching as well. I want to put together some new challenge groups and encourage other people on their fitness journeys. :) 

As the year goes on, plans and life changes. So there are always new goals to make and achieve. Some "side goals" I'd like to have happen are to lose another 15 pounds by the end of the year. Preferably by summer, but I can't beat myself up if that doesn't happen. I want to get tone and slimmer, but consistency is key. That's something I feel we all struggle with, and I hope to get involved with enough people this year that we can form a group to truly help each other make that happen.

I would love to hear about your goals for the year! If one of them is to get fit, there are some challenge groups going on currently that you still have time to get in on. There is another challenge group going on starting January 19th for the 3 Day Refresh that I'd love for you to join us to get that jump start you need. 

On that note, if you have any tips for being more organized, any groups that you know of to check out, or tips on how to take better pictures, I look forward to hearing from you! My e-mail is :  Rmewife129@gmail.com
My beachbody website is :  www.beachbodycoach.com/rmewife129 


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