Saturday, October 31, 2015

What Is Clean Eating Really?

Now that people see that I'm not going through a "phase" but that I have actually made a lifestyle change, I wanted to take a little bit of time to explain this whole "Clean Eating."  I get questioned a lot about how I've changed my eating habits and how my family has adjusted.  As a family, we didn't eat THAT bad, we just kept it simple.  And although it is still simple, I've learned how to clean it up a bit.  For example, rather than having French fries, I make homemade sweet potato fries.  Or rather than ordering or cooking a frozen pizza each week, we choose to either have mini pita pizzas that can be customized to each of our liking, or, I get a big whole wheat pizza crust, all natural sauce, low fat cheese, and load it up with veggies.

There are different versions of Clean Eating.  In fact, there is no direct definition of it.  It's not even a new concept.  Clean eating has been around for years, and for those that choose to stick with "clean" foods, know that it is a lifestyle, not the latest crash diet.  So when I decided to make this change, I purchased and read Tosca Reno's The Eat-Clean Diet.   I still frequently refer to it. 
Here are the basic Eat Clean Principals that I follow (as per Tosca Reno):
  • Eat five to six small meals per day.
  • Eat breakfast every day within an hour of rising.
  • Eat a combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal.
  • Eat 2-3 servings of healthy fats every day.
  • Drink 2-3 liters of water each day (I prefer to take my body weight, divide it by 2, and drink that number in ounces).
  • Carry a cooler packed with Clean foods each day.
  • Depend on fresh fruits and vegetables for fiber, vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes.
  • Adhere to proper portion sizes.
Simple enough, right? So, naturally you want to avoid the opposite of each of the principals noted above.
  • All over-processed foods, especially white flour and sugar.
  • Chemically charged foods.
  • Foods containing preservatives.
  • Artificial sugars.
  • Artificial foods.
  • Saturated and trans fats.
  • Sugar-loaded beverages, including soda / pop and juices.
  • Try to limit alcohol intake.
  • Calorie-dense foods containing  little or no nutritional value.
  • Super-sizing your meals. 
Eating "clean" comes with many benefits such as:
1. Weight and Fat Loss
2. Increased Energy
3. Clearer Skin
4. Shinier Hair
5. Better Sleep
6. An overall mental increase in your well-being.
So many people go through some sort of detox after a bad weekend, or maybe after the holidays; however, if you stick to a clean eating lifestyle, that isn't necessary. 
Are you thinking of making the change to a Clean Eating Lifestyle?  The biggest objection I get is that it is a drastic change and something the entire family can not commit to.  The truth is, you don't have to switch everything at once.  You make small changes each week until you, and your family, are transitioned.  I noted a few family changes at the top; however, a small change that I made for my lunch was switching the type of yogurt I eat.  I am a creature of habit and always enjoyed my light strawberry yogurt, handful of grapes, and a fiber bar for lunch each day.  What I didn't realize was the amount of sugar I was consuming.  So, I first switched my yogurt.  I transitioned myself into plain Greek yogurt and use chopped up berries for a natural sweetener.  I also use a small drizzle of honey or Agave Nectar.  I didn't  eliminate my grapes or fiber bar.  This pattern continued for about a week and then I decided to cut back on the grapes.  I love grapes and even though they are good for you, they are also one of the highest sugary fruits.  Now, I enjoy a serving of 20 grapes every now and then, but for the most part, I've eliminated them.  The last thing I changed, which was the hardest for me, was the Fiber Bar.  I love granola bars and although Fiber Bars aren't all THAT bad for you, there are certainly better options.  I ended up switching to a Lara or Quest bar because they have less carbs in them. Just for that meal, it took me about a month to transition.  I made some other small changes with my other meals, but you can see that I didn't eliminate or cut back on everything all at once. 
Here is a Cooler Plan that beginners can use to get used to a clean eating lifestyle.
First what you want to do is follow Tosca Reno's  Eat Clean principals noted above. In doing so, you can eat:
  • Oatmeal cooked with milk and sweetened with unsweetened applesauce or other fruits
  • High-protein, sugar free cereals
  • Homemade soups or stews
  • Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Lean cuts of meat (grilled, broiled, or baked)
  • As for beverages: stick with clean, herbal teas, green/black tea, black coffee, water or fruit juice cut with water. 
What foods should you really avoid?
  • Unhealthy fats, especially butter, margarine, cream, ice cream, fatty dressing, sauces and meats
  • Whole eggs (Although this is a debate, I stick with egg whites for the most part.)
  • White table sugar
  • Refined and processed foods
  • Junk and fast foods
  • Fried foods
  • Excessive salt and sodium (Be careful!  Sodium is hidden in many foods!)
  • Excessive alcohol
While some of these changes may be difficult for you, once you adjust you will be able to get the true benefits of this lifestyle.  From there, you will be able to make some other changes that will be even more effective. 
At first, I didn't think it would be possible for everyone in my family to adjust and boy was I wrong!  Yes, my daughters still eat their fish crackers and other snacks that may not be considered completely "clean."  Yes, my husband still chooses to eat some junk every now and then but guess what, so do I (just not as often)! 
Something that has kept me on track is weekly meal planning.  I sit down each weekend and plan out all of my meals.  I  know what you're thinking, WOW, that would take forever!  You'd be surprised that once you get into the routine, it doesn't take that much time at all.  The best part is I don't have to think and wonder what I am going to eat each day.  No more standing in the kitchen thinking, "what am I going to make for dinner?"  I've also compiled (and continue to do so) easy Clean Eating Recipes that I can always refer too!
So, if you're reading this, then you must be at least considering SOME changes that you can make with your daily food choices.  I have to say, I didn't learn and do all of this by myself.  I joined an accountability group that not only helped me learn this information, but it also kept me on track and accountable for those first few weeks that I didn't think I would make it through. 
If you think you could use some help in making this change, please don't hesitate to reach out and contact me!  You can join one of my accountability groups and in return, I can help you with customized meal planning, nutritional tips/advice, as well as Shakeology and exercising. 
If you are interested, please contact me at or message me in the comments section below or though Facebook.  I would be more than happy to help get you  started on the right track to better health!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Cize - The End of Exercize is Coming

The time has come for ... drum roll please .... THE END OF EXERCIZE!! 

I'm sure you just got really excited thinking, yes! I'm finally free of working out! 

Well, not exactly. But Shaun T (known for Insanity, T25, Insanity Max 30, Hip Hop Abs) has definitely found a new way for us to get an amazing workout in, while having fun, YUP, fun WHILE working out! He's even going to teach us some new dance moves, if you can believe that. Don't get me wrong, I am not a dancer by any means. I was definitely hesitant to see how I'd do with the trial run of Cize that is On Demand, but I ended up loving it! I was just following the steps, having fun with the beat, and working up a sweat at the same time. Can't really beat that!

For those of you that are natural dancers (super jealous by the way), you'll love this program even more. Not only will you have fun, you'll still be working your body, improving it, and changing it, all while doing something you already love, DANCE! 

What is CIZE? 

CIZE is Shaun T's latest dance fitness program, which will get you into great shape at home. Learning to dance with this 4 week program is so much fun, this amazing cardio workout won't even seem like work! CIZE truly is "the end of exercize". In each routine, Shaun T breaks down the moves step-by-step, and builds them into a full dance sequence in just 35-40 minutes. Cize will have participants burning fat and calories while mastering dance moves. Plus, it's all choreographed to the latest pop music to keep everyone energized and moving. Get a great workout while learning all the kinds of dance moves seen in music videos and dance shows. Stick with Shaun T and start dancing from day one! 

When and how can you get it??

Cize is planned to release on July 20th, 2015, for coaches and customers alike. Right now there are THOUSANDS of coaches attending a "little" conference going on in Nashville, TN called Summit. New programs are released, announcements are made, and as coaches we get a first look at all of that. Next year I plan on being there! Especially with all the fun perks you get for attending. There's a new Beachbody Performance Line being released as well, I'll post on that soon! 

You will be able to purchase it through your coach's website, and shortly after that it will be available for purchase on There will be challenge packs available, which will give you a one month supply of the healthiest meal, Shakeology, as well as the entire program, and 30 day access to Beachbody On Demand, along with being part of the exclusive Cize Test Group that will be starting July 27th. Challenge packs are always on sale and the best value for what you're getting, of course I'll release details for the challenge pack as it becomes live. 

If you prefer to get the program by itself, there will be that option as well and there will be some deluxe kits too. 

Want to find out ASAP about when this program is launched? Enter your information HERE and you will be one of the first to be in the loop on how you can get Cize! 

Upcoming Test Group for Cize

Want to join me in our EXCLUSIVE test group? Fill out the form below to sign up for the Cize test group, or you can also join the next Fix group, both starting on July 27th. Both groups will be run by multiple coaches from the Dream Team, but we will all be active in each group. We are here to motivate each other to stay on track! I can't wait for this program to come out. I'm sure you are just as excited! Check back in the following week for updates on the program, or be sure to sign up for the info so you're the first to find out! 

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Beachbody On Demand

It's official! The time has come for Beachbody On Demand! Long gone are the days where you HAVE to have your DVDs at all times for you to get your workout on. Beachbody has now made it possible to take your workouts with you, anywhere you go! Check out the video and all the details below. You're gonna love it! 

What is Beachbody on Demand?

Beachbody On Demand is a new feature inside the Team Beachbody Club, making the Club one of the most valuable products we offer.  As part of being a paying Club Member, you will automatically have unlimited streaming access to hundreds of workouts from Beachbody's collection of amazing, world-class fitness programs. All you need is an Internet Connection!  Based on the available programs that can be accessed, it is well over $3,000 in value that has been added to the Club Membership!  Beachbody on Demand is PERFECT while traveling and to just not have to deal with having a DVD player or DVD drive on your computer. Most of the time I end up using my tablet or iPad to stream my workouts so that I don't need to takeover the TV! Even better, I can enjoy my workouts outside when the weather is beautiful out. 

How much does it cost?

The Club Membership breaks down to $2.99 per week; however, you are billed on a quarterly basis of $38.87.   The means, for $38.87 you will have access to a large list of programs for 90 days!   What's the catch?  THERE IS NONE! You don't have to sign a contract and you are not locked in to the membership. You can call and cancel AT ANY TIME.  Another pretty big perk of being a Club Member is you get 10% off of any Beachbody purchases (including Shakeology, other fitness programs that are not available on Demand, supplements, etc)!  

Is there any type of discount or special?
YES!!  You can also get a Club Membership in the form of a Challenge Pack!  What's that?  Well, if you are looking for a total body transformation, you can actually get the Club Membership Challenge Pack which includes a month supply of Shakeology and INSTANT access to the Club Membership for 90 days.  The total cost of this challenge pack is $140.  In addition, you will have access to my upcoming online accountability group using whatever fitness program or programs that are available to you!! Let's talk just a bit about cost.  Did you know that P90X3, if purchased alone (no Shakeology) is $120 plus tax and shipping?  All in you are looking at around $130+ JUST for the program.  Not only can you access the entire P90X3 program ON DEMAND, but you can get it, along with SEVERAL others for just $140 (and that includes a month supply of Shakeology!)!!  

What programs are available?

Here are the programs that are available. This includes the COMPLETE program which means you will be able to download the nutrition guides, workout calendars, any Quick Start guides, oh, and you even have access to the additional "extra" or "bonus" workouts that you would typically have to pay extra for!  I know, it's CRAZY!! 
  • P90X® & P90X Deluxe
  • P90X2® & P90X2 Deluxe
  • P90X3® & P90X3 Deluxe
  • P90X ONE on ONE® Volume 1
  • 10 Minute Trainer®
  • INSANITY: THE ASYLUM® Volume 1 & Volume 2
  • TurboFire®
  • Brazil Butt Lift® & Brazil Butt Lift Deluxe
  • ChaLEAN Extreme®
  • Hip Hop Abs®
  • Slim in 6®
  • Rockin Body®
  • RevAbs®
  • Tai Cheng®
  • Along with 8 other "Classic" workouts
The website can be navigated very easily and the workouts are also organized by trainer, workout length, and exercise style!  

You will also get an insider "Sneak Peak" of the newer released programs so that you can sample a workout before you would consider buying the entire DVD program.  These programs are listed as New & Noteworthy.  They include:

  • 21 Day Fix Total Body Cardio Fix
  • 21 Day Fix Extreme Plyo Fix Extreme
  • PiYO Sweat
  • Focus T25 Alpha Cardio
  • Insanity Max 30 Sweat Intervals
  • Body Beast Build Chest and Tris
  • P90 Sculpt A
  • Cize

New workouts will be added to continue with the variety.

If I purchased a newer workout, for example, the 21 Day Fix Extreme, will I get digital access?

Yes and No.  Right now, this feature is available to certain programs, such as PiYo, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, and T25 They are constantly working to add more of the full purchased programs to their site. You will have a section called "Purchased Workouts" and will be able to find anything previously purchased there.  This feature will roll out by program.  This will only be available if you are a playing Club Member and only the aspects of the program that you purchased will be available.  What I mean is, you will NOT have access to the additional bonus or extra workouts if you did not purchase them.  

Aside from On Demand, what are the additional benefits of having a Club Membership?

Easy! Check out the list below. The only thing NOT included on this list is: Unlimited Streaming Access to the Beachbody Digital Library of Workouts!  

If you are already a Beachbody Club Member then this is available to you RIGHT NOW!  If you are not a Club Member and would like to sign up, then you can do so HERE!

Who is going Digital with Me?!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Slow Cooker Shredded Salsa Chicken

Some days we just need something easy, right? Today is one of those kind of days. Schedule has kind of gotten goofy, kitchen is not cleaned up just right yet, and laundry is still piling up. :) In order to help with my sanity, and to make sure we have something good for dinner tonight, I decided to do a crock pot meal. I personally love my Crock-Pot. So much, that I now own two of them! What started out as getting the 2nd one to replace my 1st one, turned out to be me using both of them for some parties at our house. Or let's face it, if I forget to wash one from the night before, I have a back up!

I like when the kids can help make their own food, and they get to choose how much of everything they want. For tonight I decided to make some Slow Cooker Shredded Salsa Chicken. I decided to go very basic.

I started with a bag of frozen chicken breast. I like to get the big packages of chicken breasts and then I separate them out into separate bags. Usually 2-3 chicken breasts per bag. I cut off the fat, wash them, pat them dry and freeze them. So for this bag it was a smaller one, so 2 decent size chicken breasts. Loosened the frozen bag, rinsed the chicken, and plopped it into the crock pot.

Up next was adding the salsa to the chicken. Literally just dump the whole jar of salsa over the chicken. That's it! I chose to use an organic salsa that I found at my local grocery store. It's up to you what type you use, I just try to go healthier when I can. 


It doesn't look very "pretty" but really, when it's all in a crock pot, it doesn't always look as good as it smells or tastes! Up next I added a few spoonfulls of pico de gallo. You can either do this during, or wait to top it after. I'm sure I'll add some inside my tortillas once the chicken is done as well.

Lastly I added in my Southwest seasoning. I honestly only sprinkled enough to go on the chicken, but didn't overdo it. You can use any type of seasoning you'd like, or no seasoning at all! I just wanted to switch it up a bit. Never a bad thing to try new things, right? 

After 6 hours in the crock pot and the mouthwatering smell wafting through the house......

Deliciousness!! Both of my picky eater boys ate ALL of it! I'm so happy that I can have a meal that the whole family can enjoy. I hope you do too! Have a great rest of your week and I hope to be sharing a few new recipes this weekend.

Avocado & Tomato Snack

A simple healthy snack! Nothing complicated,  a good serving of healthy fat and veggies with just the right amount of seasoning. Of course everyone has different tastes, so it helps that this is nice and versatile. Don't use table salt if you can help it. Himalayan sea salt or a different type of sea salt has lower sodium. Plus,  you don't have to add much to get great flavor. Let me know what different combinations you come up with! 

1 tomato cut up (I used a tomato from the vine)
1/2 of one avocado sliced up
A few splashes of lime juice (adjust to your liking)
A pinch of sea salt
A pinch of cayenne pepper (adjust to your liking or omit)
Sprinkle some paprika and southwest seasoning

Mix it all together and you've got a great healthy snack!

Monday, January 26, 2015

3 Day Refresh Results

Happy Monday Everyone! How is everyone doing? I hear there is some CRAZY weather in the works. Hope if you're in that area that you're prepared! We live in the U.P. where the weather seems to change hourly. Not uncommon for us. Definitely something we had to get used to this past year! I'm hoping that the extreme weather doesn't come back too quickly. But the good thing about having cold weather, is we get to have lots of crock pot meals and chili to keep us warm. This week I'll be making some Turkey Chili as well as a new recipe I just found, Apple Pork Loin! I've made the chili before and it's definitely become one of our favorites. I actually got the recipe from a friend of mine and I absolutely love it, so does the rest of the family which is a huge plus! The pork loin I haven't made before so I'll have to share if it's a success or not.

Last Tuesday I started my 3 Day Refresh. I thought I would share with you how my 3 days went! I was super excited for the before and after picture. I wasn't sure how I'd do, but for only 3 days, it was really doable. I really enjoyed the dinners, especially the day 3 recipe that I made. So let me break it down. First I made my meal plan for the week. Life with 2 kids and a husband in the Army, our meals tend to change last minute. But for the most part during the day, they stay pretty accurate.

On Sunday night I wrote down on my whiteboard in our kitchen the schedule of the Refresh. That way I could check it off as I went through the day. I did have to change the times a few places, but I did keep up with the waiting an hour after certain shakes and snacks. I got a big jug of filtered water that I could put right there in front of me all the time. This worked out great!

Day 1 - Every day it states how important it is to start with at least 8 ounces of water to get your day started. I've actually decided to add this into my daily life and not just for the 3 days! We all need water in our system so this makes perfect sense. Get up, drink a glass of water, and start your day!

After my first cup of water, then it was time for my favorite part. My Shakeology! You get to add in a fruit serving so I chose to do Chocolate Banana the first morning. Yummy!

Instead of a regular snack between breakfast and lunch like I usually would do, I drank the Fiber Sweep mix with water. Not going to lie, that one was a bit rough to drink. But the 2nd day I made sure to add nice cold water and down it. It does forewarn you that it can get chunky if you just sip it, so if you decide to do it, I suggest just chug it. It's only mixed with 1 cup so it's not a lot. I thought it had a taste of orange, others think lemon. It's different for each person. But overall, not too bad.

Lunch time was a Vanilla Fresh shake (fruit added or eaten a la carte). I decided to mix cantaloupe in which was actually pretty tasty. I also had cucumber and hummus to go along with the shake. I was pretty darn full! Vanilla Fresh was filling by itself, but then the cucumber and hummus filled me up perfectly. I still had a snack to go before dinner!

Snack time I had tomato with avocado. Honestly, that's one of my favorite snacks any time, so this was a breeze. What's great about the Refresh is you also get to add all of these "Free" additions. I chose to add some lime juice, Himalayan sea salt, and some cayenne pepper. Couldn't be any easier and delicious!

 For dinner you get to have another Vanilla Fresh shake (with no fruit, but you can add any of the free additions) and then I chose to try the Coconut Steamed Veggies with the Vegetable Broth on the side. I didn't think I would be full but wow, I was wrong! The veggies came out really good, not my top favorite but adding in a few different seasonings made a big difference.

Throughout the day you can have some herbal tea with stevia, I opted for that since it cut any other cravings I may have had that first day.

Day 2- Same idea, water in the morning, Shakeology for breakfast. I tried Chocolate Shakeology with Strawberries. Definitely making that again! Talk about chocolate covered strawberries, and having it for breakfast? Yes please!

Next up was Fiber Sweep for mid-morning. Then for lunch, Vanilla Fresh mixed with Strawberries because apparently, that's what really sounded good that day. :) Along with the Vanilla Fresh I had celery with almond butter. If you haven't tried almond butter, it's good! I'm kind of curious to try and make almond butter myself at home. If anyone has done that, please let me know how it turned out for you!

For my afternoon snack I had cucumber and hummus again. Honestly, I had never tried that combo before. I'm pretty sure it's a new favorite of mine. Especially if you let the cucumbers soak in some lemon juice and seasonings, then dip them with the hummus. Mmmm good. Next up was dinner with my vanilla fresh. I added cinnamon to my vanilla fresh, but it tastes good by itself. Really, it reminded me of Vanilla Shakeology but I love cinnamon so I liked adding a little extra to it. For dinner I chose the Spinach Salad which I didn't think would be big enough, but I was proven wrong again! I wasn't even able to drink all the broth since I got full. I love a nice colorful salad. Don't you?  

Day 3 - I made it to my last day! Woo hoo! I'll be honest. I was looking forward to having some chicken for dinner the next night. I was definitely tempted to have some of my kid's pasta the night before. But I held out! I had experienced some gas and bloating, which made me wonder what my results would be like, but in the booklet it does indicate the foods that will be less gassy. It's part of the process so it's not uncommon to happen. I did up my water intake to make sure it helped. Which it did help, luckily!

I drank my water first thing, then my Shakeology (chocolate with banana) for breakfast, then onto my very last Fiber Sweep!

Next up was lunch, tomatoes with avocado and my Vanilla Fresh, which I decided to add blueberries to. Yet again, something I definitely plan to repeat with my Vanilla Shakeology. I've also added blueberries to the chocolate flavor and it's just as good. Plus, blueberries are a great healthy fruit!          

Final part of the day! Afternoon snack was celery with almond butter. Dinner I had my very last vanilla fresh with cinnamon, and I made a veggie stir fry with the vegetable broth as well. The veggie stir fry was GOOD! I'm talking, I'll be adding it as a side to our meals, kind of good. It may not look like much, and really there isn't anything hard about it. It was one pan, quick and easy, but still tasty and filling. Carrots, green beans, garlic, sea salt, red peppers, and a few seasonings here and there. Simple yet delicious. Along with the vanilla fresh and the broth, there is no going hungry here.

Everyone has different results with this program. Some have a crazy amount of weight loss (and inches lost). Some people have a harder time with the minimal diet. It is a big calorie cut (only about 900 calories, give or take, for each day). However, it is only 3 days. They do suggest you stay away from coffee while you're doing the Refresh (since it is dehydrating) but some people get caffeine headaches and need it. That's okay, people still get results as long as you're drinking enough water. No matter, what program you do, water is key. It flushes the system of toxins and keeps you healthier. You should always aim for half your weight in ounces each day. May seem like a lot, but get a handy dandy water bottle or to go cup that holds a good amount, and just keep refilling each day! It makes a world of difference. 

Okay, so for MY results. I was very hesitant to share my results, but I really am proud of the outcome. I didn't have one of those jaw dropping amount of weight loss, but I think the picture speaks for itself with how much better I felt. I didn't feel any bloating after the 3 days, I truly did feel "refreshed" and I didn't feel starved. No major cravings. Even that night after the 3 days, I ended up having a salad! Go figure. I still have a ways to go with my goal weight, but this was the push I needed in the right direction! You can definitely see a difference in my tummy between the two pictures. Definitely pleased with what my results ended up being. 


The key is to keep eating healthy. Naturally, weight will fluctuate with how much water I drink, what types of food I eat, and for women, what time of the month it is! I honestly love the 21 Day Fix plan and that's what I base my meal plan off of. I'm constantly trying to add new meals and recipes to try. I currently have a Clean Eating group going on so if that sounds like something you'd be interested in, feel free to fill out the challenge group form at the bottom of this post. If you're interested in any upcoming 21 Day Fix groups, or a 30 Day Challenge group, we can work with that too! I hope my results helped you with a decision on whether or not to try the 3 Day Refresh. Any questions you may have, shoot them my way!

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Friday, January 16, 2015

3 Day Refresh

Happy Friday everyone!  I've had quite the busy week. I started my 2nd round of 21 Day Fix, haircuts with my crazy 2 year old running in the salon (thank goodness the salon loves him!), had a team meeting to help reach some new goals (and get help with blogging), and I signed up for a vendor event for February! That was in between the ever changing schedule of my son's school, due to wind chill school delays (some days it was below -30!!!). I never thought I'd live in a place that it would get THAT cold,  or that 18 degrees out "didn't feel that bad". Hah! Oh the surprises military life gives us. I was born and raised in Vegas,  this is definitely not what I'm used to!  But I've certainly learned to be MUCH more flexible and accepting to any situation that gets thrown our way.

One exciting thing, that happened this week,  today actually,  is I received my 3 Day Refresh package! I am so psyched to do this!  Do you know what the 3 Day Refesh  is? You're probably thinking automatically, it's a cleanse. You'll probably have a liquid diet, be starving the whole time,  and salivating at even the mention of food. Luckily, that is SO not the case with the plan!  Or so I've heard. :) The package comes with 6 Vanilla Fresh packets (2 for each day) and 3 Fiber Sweep packets (1 for each day). I already drink my Shakeology each day, so I got the package that didn't include those. If you haven't tried Shakeology before, or just don't have it,  you would order the package that comes with a packet of Shakeology for each day. The meal plan and drinks are vegan/vegetarian friendly. That's a huge thing for a lot of people,  trying to figure out if it's good for them or not. I personally am neither a vegan or vegetarian,  but that's ok! I do love my vegetables and fruit though.
That being said,  I think the 3 Day Refresh will be a bit challenging but also a nice change. I'm going to have to be creative with my meals since they are all vegetables or fruits. With the 21 Day Fix i've already been incorporating a lot more veggies and fruits, also finding new ways to use them. I have looked at some of the recipes in the 3 Day Refesh book and they sound pretty tasty. Cucumber and tomato salad I could go for right now!
Now I'm excited to try it for myself so I can give you my honest opinion and results. Since my husband has a long weekend, chances are he'll want to splurge a little (or a lot) on food. My plan is to start my Refresh on Tuesday (the 20th) and have my final results Friday morning. I've heard the results can vary from losing a few pounds,  to losing up to 8 pounds!  Also, lots of inches lost. I have some friends and family along for this journey as well (which I'm super excited about!) I hope we all have great success with it!  We have a Challenge Group setup to start on Monday the 19th. If this is something you think you'd want to try to get yourself into,  please let me know! I'd love to have you join us so that we can all encourage each other to stay on track. It's only 3 days,  but I know that it can feel like forever sometimes. Wish me luck and I look forward to sharing my experience!