Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Slow Cooker Shredded Salsa Chicken

Some days we just need something easy, right? Today is one of those kind of days. Schedule has kind of gotten goofy, kitchen is not cleaned up just right yet, and laundry is still piling up. :) In order to help with my sanity, and to make sure we have something good for dinner tonight, I decided to do a crock pot meal. I personally love my Crock-Pot. So much, that I now own two of them! What started out as getting the 2nd one to replace my 1st one, turned out to be me using both of them for some parties at our house. Or let's face it, if I forget to wash one from the night before, I have a back up!

I like when the kids can help make their own food, and they get to choose how much of everything they want. For tonight I decided to make some Slow Cooker Shredded Salsa Chicken. I decided to go very basic.

I started with a bag of frozen chicken breast. I like to get the big packages of chicken breasts and then I separate them out into separate bags. Usually 2-3 chicken breasts per bag. I cut off the fat, wash them, pat them dry and freeze them. So for this bag it was a smaller one, so 2 decent size chicken breasts. Loosened the frozen bag, rinsed the chicken, and plopped it into the crock pot.

Up next was adding the salsa to the chicken. Literally just dump the whole jar of salsa over the chicken. That's it! I chose to use an organic salsa that I found at my local grocery store. It's up to you what type you use, I just try to go healthier when I can. 


It doesn't look very "pretty" but really, when it's all in a crock pot, it doesn't always look as good as it smells or tastes! Up next I added a few spoonfulls of pico de gallo. You can either do this during, or wait to top it after. I'm sure I'll add some inside my tortillas once the chicken is done as well.

Lastly I added in my Southwest seasoning. I honestly only sprinkled enough to go on the chicken, but didn't overdo it. You can use any type of seasoning you'd like, or no seasoning at all! I just wanted to switch it up a bit. Never a bad thing to try new things, right? 

After 6 hours in the crock pot and the mouthwatering smell wafting through the house......

Deliciousness!! Both of my picky eater boys ate ALL of it! I'm so happy that I can have a meal that the whole family can enjoy. I hope you do too! Have a great rest of your week and I hope to be sharing a few new recipes this weekend.

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